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How To Use Your EarthCare Calendar

LadyBug EarthCare

Updated: Jan 2

Cover Photo: Female native ruby-throated hummingbird with Appalachian Turtlehead (Chelone lyonii) - Judy Dove

The EarthCare Calendar is back! We've made some improvements based on feedback from our community, plus our own experience following the calendar through all four seasons and observing how we can flow with Nature even better.

The LadyBug EarthCare Calendar is a full year journey, designed by ecological gardeners and land stewards to guide you through EarthCare in every season, with monthly inspiration, DIY instructions, and simple checklists - to focus on what's most important each month.

Monthly tips and tasks are designed for both beginners AND “advanced” earth workers. The inspiration and advice is applicable anywhere, to build habitat, but details are focused on the mid-Atlantic bioregion and our native flora and fauna.

The LadyBug EarthCare Calendar is a unique, place-based gift for yourself or a friend. The goal of this calendar is to guide us through the seasons with a focus on wildlife habitat and pollination support while we connect with Nature in new and creative ways. This includes gardening, land stewardship, steps to sheet mulch, lawn conversion and much more.

Recent Updates:

  • All new gorgeous images of wildlife, pollinators and plants we love, from local gardens we tend (which means you might spot yours!), and friends who contributed (thanks!)

  • Improved EarthCare tips, monthly inspiration and tasks following Nature’s guidance:

    • When to create new gardens + when to plant

    • When to collect seeds and how to leave some for wildlife

    • When and how to support pollinators + wildlife at key points in their life cycle

    • What to do to manage pests naturally throughout the year

  • More relevant holidays, including ones from many traditions for awareness

  • Slightly larger numbers and darker print, for easier reading <3

  • Sunday moved to the first column instead of the last!

This calendar is beautiful and inspiring for anyone, and especially those who want a deeper connection with the land where they live, love, work or worship.

You don’t need to own land to enjoy this calendar! There are thousands of abandoned wild spaces, and hundreds of local landowners with patches of earth, waiting for your attention.

Photo: Monarch Butterfly (Danaus plexippus) on Spotted Joe Pye Weed (Eutrochium maculatum) - Kerri Thauby

Through the seasons, you will get to know the land more intimately by observing + interacting, practicing ecology + stewardship fundamentals, protecting soil + water, and building habitat for pollinators and wildlife - to create biodiverse ecosystems.

Photo: House finch feeding on Sneezeweed - Judy Dove

LadyBug Inspiration and EarthCare Checklists are packed with actionable tips, focus areas, and concepts to explore for more skills and deeper awareness. Terms in "quotes" are intentional invitations to research more - to empower your growth.

Many hands make light work. Let's create a better world for humans and wildlife together.

Join us on this journey! Get your EarthCare Calendar here.


Founded by women

inspired by survivors

empowered by earth


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tips, resources + comunity updates

Based in Dillsburg, Pennsylvania. Living on Susquehannock Land.
Serving native plants, pollinators + wildlife in the Lower Susquehanna River Watershed.

© 2024 LadyBug EarthCare design collaboration with mycelia.creative based on 2019 design from Wilder Mile Creative.

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